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Create Climate Impact at Scale!

We create carbon removals by storing CO2 deep underground. Safe and permanent.

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CO2 Storage reservoir Nubian Sandstone

Reaching Net Zero via Carbon Capture an Storage (CCS)

Geological Storage of CO2

The development of negative emission technologies (NET), particularly permanent CO2 storage, is crucial for achieving both national and international climate objectives. To achieve the goal of long-term net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, Switzerland will also need to use storage sites abroad. One such option is the storage of CO2 in sub-seabed geological formations.

The process of geological sequestration of CO2 is a well-established technique, effectively storing carbon for over thousands of years. Governed by the EU CCS Directive, stringent legal guidelines ensure storage sites are meticulously regulated to prevent any potential leakage or harm to human health and the environment. See EU Climate regulatories.

The geological storage of CO2 is a well-established technique that has been proven to effectively store carbon for thousands of years. Governed by the EU CCS Directive, stringent legal guidelines ensure storage sites are meticulously regulated to prevent any potential leakage or harm to human health and the environment. Captured CO2 that is not used on-site is compressed and transported by pipeline, ship, train or truck for use in various applications or injected into deep geological formations such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs where the CO2 is permanently and safely stored. CEF Energy supports the transport component of the value chain since 2019. We are following the EU CCS Directive's strict laws in order to ensure that storage sites are carefully regulated to prevent any leaks or harm to people or the environment.


CO2 emissions regulations in Switzerland

Federal Act on the Reduction of CO2 in Switzerland

Law CO2 CO2 regulation


Federal Council lays groundwork for export of CO2 for sub-seabed storage

At its meeting on 22 November 2023, the Swiss Federal Council decided to ratify the 2009 amendment to the London Protocol. From 2024, it will therefore be possible to export CO2 for storage in sub-seabed geological formations.

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Grounded in science and Become Climate Neutral!

Our carbon removal projects involve sequestering CO2 deep underground, ensuring a safe and permanent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.